Tuesday, May 27, 2008

WHY?s Up: Garbage on the Fruitvale Streets

(Unfortunately in Oakland, this kind of thing is a very common sight.)

Our school, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, is conviently located near a Jack-In-The-Box, a Pollo Loco, and of course, a McDonald's (the King of all Greasiness! Bow down before the McDonald's almighty power...then order some fries with your unwavering loyalty to the beef patty! Muwahahaha!) Sorry, got a little carried away there. Anyway, while we were walking around the area near our school, looking for random pieces of garbage in our community (which was not that hard, considering that where ever you turn, you'll find your self knee-deep in garbage...well in most areas). We found a lot, and I mean A LOT of fast food...stuff on the streets. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me, because when you think about it, it's like were helping to advertise fast food to people.

Think about it: you're walking down the street, and you're feeling kind of hungry. "I'll just make something when I get home," you tell yourself. But then, you kick and empty McDonald's cup (which just might be the one in this picture, you never know), and then suddenly, you don't want to wait until you get home to eat something; you're hungry now. Oh, and look! McDonald's just happens to be conviently located across the street from where you are right now! "You know what? I think I'm gonna get me a BigMac. I don't care if one bite of that thing takes off ten years of my life; I'm hungry." Then you die of a heart attack at age 44, and your last dieing thought was, "I should've gotten a gym club membership."
The End.
("Muwahahaha!" - McDonald's Cooperation)

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