Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Me and My Family

Well, the teachers who conduct the WHY?s Up Postsession at my school thought that this would be a good idea. I don't really think so since I don't mind airing dirty laundry. Here it goes:

The Parents:

("No," my parents do NOT look like giant apples)

My parents are very...interesting people. And I don't mean "intereseting" in the good way. It's obvious that they hate each other; I just wish that they would get a divorce and be done with each other. We're all almost eight-teen anyway...

The Oldest:

(My brother being ... himself)

My brother and I get along the best, hands down, out of everyone in my family. Our personalities differ greatly, but we're both the same in that we have an abstract way of thinking; we even have our own vocabulary (though most is attributed to Jim know, from Sports Center. He's freakin' hillarious). He's an uber sports fanatic (his first love will always be baseball, though), but he absolutley HATES college basketball. He can also kick my patootie in all things Pokemon (T.T)...he loves to rub that in my face... jerk.

The Middle/Black Sheep (Baa):

(I was feeling weird when I took this picture...but then again, when aren't i?)

Yes, my good people, I am the middle child; I am the Black Sheep of the family. Though it's not true that all middle children turn out to be the Black Sheep, it's true in my case; my mom even said so (and it's funny because I was born in the Year of the Sheep. Coincidence? I think not) There's not really much that I can say about my self; I feel that you can only understand a person once you met them; you never know when someone's lying to you about how they are.

The Youngest/The Evil One/Brat/Baby/Spoiled Child:

(on the bootom it says, "'Angel' my evergreen grass!" They won't let me use bad words)

I think that the title says it. I've always had to give everything nice (like my PDA) to her. We have NEVER gotten along, and the only time that we are ever in the same room is when we're alseep (Do you know how bad I want my own room?). You would think that since we're only 14 months apart that we'd be the closer of the siblings.


Nani said...

Helloooo!! Jackie I liked what you had to say about your family. It is funny it is good that you ge along with someone your brother.

Sweetvi3tgrl said...

Hi Jackie, I just realized that we have a lot of things in common. I'm the middle child too AND my brother beats me in all things Pokemon. o.o And you used 'uber' >_< That's so uber kewl ^o^

Dream-er said...

Hey Jackie!
I really liked this blog. parents dont get along huh...Well my parents are divorced, and they still can't even look at each other. I guess sometimes things like that are for the best.

Its cool that you get along with your brother, oh yeah and the "WACHA" thing is funny =]=]


Square Bear (Jackie) said...

nani: Of course it's funny! I'm freakin' hillarious!
sweetvi3grl: You play Pokemon? Uber Asian!! (>w<)'
dream-er: It's okay. After a while, you get used to it. WACHA!